Thursday, June 25, 2009

To BEE or not to BEE -- To BEE!

Last month, I was a featured artist at the Multi-stake Multicultural Arts Festival Celebrating the Arts. For eight hours, I read my Bee stories to children and adults and performed the music that went with the stories. I made a narrated movie of Bee Prayerful and the kids just loved it. After a break, I walked into the room and the kids had been replaying the movie for 15 minutes.

So, what I want to know is how many people are interested in these stories and what are your thoughts about having them for your own. I have nine Bee stories based on President Hinckley's Be values and ten original songs -- one for each value and one about all of them. I'm in the process of finding a publisher and they'll love to know if this is something people are interested in. Send me a comment or your name and I'll add you to my growing list. E-mail me at to add your name to the list.


Donnie and Christina said...

We can't wait for the BEE stories to come out! Hurry hurry hurry! You have 4 huge fans here!

SuperMama said...

Although my litte prince didn't sit through even a page...I love the story we heard! We still have the free coloring page and talk about it often. I can't wait to find out how to get your book(s), always need great wholesome material for bedtime stories! :)

Aja Mobley said...

I love it! It's so cute!! and I would wish to have a copy when it's all done! good luck with publishing (sounds like a headache) i'm sure all will go well! You're sooo talented!! & thanks for the comment on my blog!